In-Home or at Facility

Care for Seniors

One-on-one, reliable and compassionate homecare services.

Medical and Non-Medical

Child Support

Trained and experienced staff providing exceptional pediatric and family centered care.



Our dedicated team understands the importance of a smooth recovery journey after a surgical procedure.



Our staff understands that each individual has unique healthcare needs, and some may require specialized care.

Individualized private nursing and homecare services in TorontoNorth YorkMississaugaOakvilleMiltonGuelphKitchenerBurlingtonLondonMount BrydgesWoodstockBrantfordHamiltonSt. CatharinesNiagara Region , and surrounding areas.

Lending Hand Home Care Services

Lending Hand is an in-home service provider that assists individuals and families. We are dedicated to helping our clients lead dignified, independent lifestyles in the comfort and safety of their own homes by carefully assessing and fully understanding their needs and selectively placing trained personnel to meet these needs.